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The Russell Flying Club is a local non profit organization that looks after airport maintenance and services. Below is a brief organization description of the RFC as written for our annual cabaret fundraiser.


     The Russell Flying Club (RFC) has been in existence since 1969. The club has come a long way from our start out in a cow pasture.


     In 2012, the Russell Airport Runway was lengthened from 3,400 feet to 4,000 feet. The addition of jet fuel (also added in 2012) is a huge asset for our community enabling the jets that land to fuel up before carrying on with flight as well as becoming a fuel stop for some. The runway is long enough for small jet aircraft and most important for our community, the Air Ambulance. We also have a Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) which guides pilots fairly close to the airport as well as a Global Positioning System (GPS) which guides pilots to within feet of the desired runway.


     The RFC holds COPA (Canadian Owners and Pilots Association) for Kids Day each spring to introduce children from ages 8-17 to the exciting world of aviation by experiencing flight in a small aircraft. The COPA for Kids Flight is about 20 minutes long and is of no cost to those participating. It is usually held in April. Bring your children to the airport for this flight experience. 


     The Rural Municipality of Russell-Binscarth and the R.M. of Riding Mountain West must be thanked for their continued support toward the Russell Airport. Support from the public is always appreciated and welcomed. Check us out on Facebook at “The Russell Flying Club”.


     The Russell Flying Club holds regular monthly meetings on the 1st Wednesday of each month at the Clubhouse. Interested persons are welcome to attend. Meetings start at 8:00 pm sharp.


     The Russell Flying Club holds a pancake breakfast annually on the last Sunday in July. Be sure to come to the Russell Airport that day for breakfast and see for yourself what a fine facility this area has. 






The RFC's main fundraiser is the annual cabaret dance held on the Saturday closest to St. Patrick's Day. 

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